办公电话:0411 84986147
电子信箱:yjianhua@ y_youko16@yahoo.com.cn
1991.9-1995.7 大学本科 学士
1996.4-1999.3 日本广岛大学 工程研究生院化工系物质传递专业研究生,硕士
1999.4-2002.9 日本广岛大学 工程研究生院化工系物质传递专业博士生,博士
2003.1-2005.9 德国马普协会复杂工程系统动力学研究所, 博士后
(Max-Planck-Institute for Complex technical Systems of Dynamics, Germany)
2005.10- 大连理工大学,副教授, 博士生导师
窗体1. 国际杂志 Angewandte Chemie-international Edition, Chemical Communications, Journal of Membrane Science, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Separation and Purification Technology, Solid State Science 特邀审稿人
2. 挪威国家研究理事会(The Research Council of Norway)
3. 中国能源学会理事
4. 新型高效沸石分子筛催化剂与精细化工品的绿色合成研究
1. 2010年度新世纪优秀人才计划
2.国家自然科学基金 新型管状金属有机骨架膜的制备及其应用研究 (No.21076029)
3.国家自然科学基金 计算机辅助的无机膜传质机理研究 (No.20606004)
4.国家自然科学基金 新型管状金属有机框架膜的制备及应用研究(B060306)
6.十一五国家科技支撑计划 无机膜技术天然气等非石油路线制备大宗化学品工艺技术的研究(No.2006BAE02B05)
1.中石化“十一五”重点攻关项目 沸石膜乙苯催化脱氢制苯乙烯模式研究
2.吉林石化公司资助项目 膜分离技术脱除氯甲烷气体中的水
3.阜新万达化工科研基金 无机膜渗透蒸发回收糠醛装置废水中乙酸新技术
4.安徽立新化工科研基金 沸石膜分离二氯苯异构体
选择性的发表的论文 (* 为通讯作者)
1. Liang Zhou, JianhuaYang*, Gang Li, Jinqu Wang*, Yan Zhang, Jinming Lu,Dehong Yin, Highly H2 permeable SAPO-34 membranes by steam-assisted conversion seeding, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, DOI: 10.1016. /j.ijhydene.2014.06.159 (IF=3.548)
2. JianhuaYang*, Jun Chu, Jinqu Wang, Dehong Yin, HuimingYin, Yan Zhang, Synthesis and catalytic performance of hierarchical MCM-22 zeolite aggregates with the assistance of carbon particles and fluoride ions, Chin. J. Catal., 35, 2014, 49-57 (IF=1.304)
3. HuimingYin, JianhuaYang*, ZhongXie, Jinqu Wang, Jinming Lu, Yan Zhang, A Depostion of Functional Modified Inorganic Particles on A Macroporous Tube for Synthesis ZIF-7 Membrane by Counter Diffusion Method, Journal of Inorganic Materials., 29(4), 2014, 377-381 (IF=0.531)
4. HuimingYin,Jinqu Wang,ZhongXie,JianhuaYang*,Ju Bai, Jinming Lu,Yan Zhang, Dehong Yina and Jerry Y. S. Lin, A highly permeable and selective amino functionalized MOF CAU-1 membrane for CO2-N2 separation, Chem. Commun., 50, 2014, 3699 (IF=6.378)
5. Jianhua Yang*, Huazheng Li, Jing Xu, Jinqu Wang, Xiangdi Meng, KeBai, Jinming Lu, Yanzhang, Dehong Yin, Influences of Inorganic Salts on the pervaporation properties of zeolite NaA membranes on Macroporous Supports, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 192, 2014, 60 (IF=3.365)
6. Huazheng Li, JinquWang a, Jing Xu , Xiangdi Meng , Bo Xu, Jianhua Yang* , Shiyang Li,Jinming Lu, Yan Zhang , Xiaolan He , Dehong Yin, Synthesis of zeoltie NaA membranes with high performance and high reproducibility on coarse macroporous supports,Journal of Membrane Science, 444, 2013, 513–522, (IF=4.093)
7. Zhong xie, Jianhua Yang*, Jinqu Wang, Ju Bai, Huimin Yin, Bing Yuan, Jinming Lu, Yan Zhang, Liang Zhou, Chunying Duan*, Deposition of chemical modified α-Al2O3 particles for high performance ZIF-8 membrane on a macroporous tube, Chemical Communication 48, 2012, 5977 (IF=6.378),(the back cover article, 封底文章)
8. Xiaoxia Chen , Jinqu Wang, Dehong Yin, Jianhua Yang*, Jinming Lu, and Yan Zhang, High Performance Zeolite T Membrane for Dehydration of Organics by a New Varying Temperature Hot-Dip Coating Method, AIChE, 59, 2013, 936-947 (IF=2.493)
9. Zan Chen, Yinhui Li a, Dehong Yina, Yanmei Songa, Xiuxiu Rena, Jinmin Lua, Jianhua Yang*, Jinqu Wang*, Microstructural optimization of mordenite membrane for pervaporation dehydration of acetic acid, Journal of Membrane Science, 411 (2012) 182 (IF=4.093)
10. YANG Jianhua, YU Suxia, HU Huiye, CHU Naibo, LU Jinming, YIN Dehong, WANG Jinqu, Synthesis of Herarchical HZSM-5 Microspheres without Second Template and Their Application in Methane Dehydroaromatization , Chin. J. Catal., 2011, 32: 362–367 (IF=1.304)
11. Gang Li; Jianhua Yang*,Wei Xiao; Liang Zhou; Jinqu Wang ; Yan Zhang; Jinming Lu; Dehong Yin, Thin carbon/SAPO-34 microporous composite membranes for gas separation, , Journal of Membrane Science (IF=3.67), 374 (2011) 83 (IF=4.093)
12. Jianhua Yang, Suxia Yu, Huiye Hu, Yan Zhang, Jinming Lu, Jinqu Wang?, Dehong Yin, Synthesis of ZSM-5 hierarchical microsphere-like particle by two stage varying temperature crystallization without secondary template, Chemical Engineering Journal, 166 (2011) 1083-1089 (IF=3.473)
13. Dong Shen, Wei Xiao, Jianhua Yang*, Naibo Chu, Jinming Lu, Dehong Yin, Jinqu Wang*, Synthesis of silicalite-1 membranes with two silicon source by secondary growth method and its pervaporation performance, SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY 76 (2011)308-315 (IF=2.894)
14. Naibo Chu, Jinqu Wang, Yan Zhang, Jianhua Yang*, Jinming Lu, Dehong Yin Nestlike Hollow Hierarchical MCM-22 Microspheres: Synthesis and Exceptional Catalytic Properties CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 2010 22(9)2757-276(IF=8.238)
15. Zan Chen, Jianhua Yang, Dehong Yin, Yinhui Li, Shufeng Wu, Jinming Lu, Jinqu Wang* , Fabrication of poly(1-vinylimidazole)/mordenite grafting membrane with high pervaporation performance for the dehydration of acetic acid JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE 2010 349(1-2) 175-182 (IF=4.093)
16. Chu Naibo, Jianhua Yang*, Jinqu Wang*, Suxia Yu, Jinming Lu, Yan Zhang, Dehong Yin, A feasible way to enhance effectively the catalytic performance of methane dehydroaromatization CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS 2010 11(6) 513-517 (IF=2.915)
17. Wei Xiao, Jianhua Yang, Dong Shen, Jinming Lu, Jinqu Wang*, Synthesis and property of silicalite-1 membranes by restricting growth method with dilute solution MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS 2010 129(1-2) 22-29 (IF=3.365)
18. Wei Xiao, Jianhua Yang, Jinming Lu, Jinqu Wang*, Preparation and characterization of silicalite-1 membrane by counter-diffusion secondary growth JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE 2009 345(1-2) 183-190 (IF=4.093)
19. Wei Xiao, Jianhua Yang, Jinming Lu, Jinqu Wang*, A novel method to synthesize high performance silicalite-1 membrane SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY 2009 67(1) 58-63 (IF=2.894)
20. Weiguo Sun, Xianwu Wang, Jianhua Yang *, Jinming Lu, Huilin Han, Yan Zhang, Jinqu Wang*, Pervaporation separation of acetic acid-water mixtures through Sn-substituted ZSM-5 zeolite membranes JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE 2009 335(1-2)83-88 (IF=4.093)
21. Naibo Chu, Jianhua Yang*, Chunyan Li, Jiaoying Cui, Qingyu Zhao, Xiaoyan Yin, Jinming Lu, Jinqu Wang*, An unusual hierarchical ZSM-5 microsphere with good catalytic performance in methane dehydroaromatization MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS 2009 118(1-3)167-170 (IF=3.365)
22. Shufeng Wu, Jianhua Yang, Jinming Lu, Zhihua Zhou, Chunlong Kong, Jinqu Wang*, Synthesis of thin and compact mesoporous MCM-48 membrane on vacuum-coated alpha-Al2O3 tube JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE 2008 319(1-2) 231-237 (IF=4.093)
23. Chunlong Kong, Jinqu Wang*, Jianhua Yang, Jinming Lu, Aifang Wang, Qingyu Zhao, Thin carbon-zeolite composite membrane prepared on ceramic tube filter by vacuum slip casting for oxygen/nitrogen separation CARBON 2007 45(14) 2848-2850 (IF=5.868)
24. Guolin Shao, Jianhua Yang, Xiongfu Zhang, Gang Zhu, Jinqu Wang*, Chang Liu Seeded growth of beta zeolite membranes using zeolite structure-directing agent MATERIALS LETTERS 2007 61 (7) 1443-1445 (IF=2.224)
25. Chunlong Kong, Jinming Lu, Jianhua Yang, Jinqu Wang* Preparation of silicalite-1 membranes on stainless steel supports by a two-stage varying-temperature in situ synthesis JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE 2006 285(1-2) 258-264 (IF=4.093)
26. Yunling Lu, Jianhua Yang, Dehong Yin, Ming Tan, Jinqu Wang*, Synthesis and aging properties of reactive antioxidant NAPM in natural rubber vulcanizates JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 2008 108(1) 576-582 (IF=1.395)
27. Zhihui Zhou, Jianhua Yang*, Yan Zhang, Lifeng Chang, Weiguo Sun, Jinqu Wang*, NaA zeolite/carbon nanocomposite thin films with high permeance for CO2/N-2 separation SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY 2007 55(3)392-395 (IF=2.894)
28. Jianhua Yang*, Tomohisa Yoshioka, Toshinori Tsuru, Masashi Asaeda Pervaporation characteristics of aqueous-organic solutions with microporous SiO2-ZrO2/membranes: Experimental study on separation mechanism JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE 2006 284(1-2) 205-213 (IF=4.093)
29. Qingyu Zhao, Jinqu Wang*, Naibo Chu, Xiaoyan Yin, Jianhua Yang, Chunlong Kong, Aifang Wang, Jinming Lu, Preparation of high-permeance MFI membrane with the modified secondary growth/method on the macroporous alpha-alumina tubular support JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE 2008 320(1-2)303-309 (IF=4.093)
30. Xiaoyan Yin, Jinqu Wang, Naibo Chu, Jianhua Yang, Jinming Lu, Yan Zhang, Dehong Yin, Zeolite L/carbon nanocomposite membranes on the porous alumina tubes and their gas separation properties JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE 2010 348(1-2) 181–189 (IF=4.093)
31. EU Schuender, Jianhua Yang, A Seidel-Morgenstern, Gas phase transport, adsorption and surface diffusion in a posrous glass membranes, CATALYSIS TODAY, 2006 118 113-120 (IF=2.99)
32. Guo feng Sun, Yao Liu, Jianhua Yang, Jinqu Wang*, Seeded synthesis of small polycrystalline NaY zeolite membrane using zeolite structure-directing agent and its pervaporation performance, Journal of porous materials, 18(4), 2011 465-473 (IF=1.348)
33. Jianhua Yang, Ji?ina ?ermáková, Petr Uchytil, Christof Hamel and Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern; Gas Phase Transport, adsorption and Surface Diffusion in Porous Glass Membranes, Catalysis Today, 104 (2005) 344-351 (IF=2.99)
34. Kong C L, Wang J Q, Yang J H, Lu J M, et al. Thin carbon-zeolite composite membrane prepared on ceramic tube filter by vacuum slip casting for oxygen/nitrogen separation. Carbon 45 2848 2007. (IF=5.868)
35. Kong C L, Yang J H, Lu J M, Wang J Q. Catalytic dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene in a zeolite silicalite-1 membrane reactor. Journal of Membrane Science 306 (2007) 29–35 (IF=4.093)
36. Chunlong Kong, Jinming Lu, Jianhua Yang and Jinqu Wang, Preparation of silicalite-1 membranes on stainless steel supports by a two-stage varying-temperature in situ synthesis ,Journal of Membrane Science,285, 258-264,2006 (IF=4.093)
37. Jianhua Yang and Masashi Asaeda; “Permeation Mechanism of Water through Microporous SiO2-ZrO2 Membranes for Separation of Aqueous Solutions of Organic Solvents by Pervaporation,”Separation and Purification Technology, 32 1-3) 29-36, 2003. (IF=2.894)
38. Masashi Asaeda, Jianhua Yang and Yoshikazu Sakou; “Porous Silica-Zirconia (Zr, 50%) Membranes for Pervaporation of Iso-Propyl Alcohol (IPA)/Water mixtures,” Journal of Chemical Engineering Japan, 35(4) 365-371, 2002. (IF=0.616)
39. Masashi Asaeda, Yoshikazu Sakou, Jianhua Yang and Keko Shimazaki; “Stability and Performance of Porous Silica-Zirconia Composite Membranes for Separation of Aqueous Organic Solutions,” JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE, 209(1) 163-175, 2002 (IF=4.093)
40. Zan Chen, Dehong Yin?, Yinhui Li, Jianhua Yang, Jinming Lu, Yan Zhang, Jinqu Wang?,Functional defect-patching of a zeolite membrane for the dehydration of acetic acid by pervaporation, Journal of membrane Science, 369 506 2011 (IF=4.093)
41. 王胜强,杨建华,胡祖美,王金渠,分子动力学模拟预测CO2/CH4在DDR 膜中的吸附现象,石油学报,印刷中
42. 闫世伟, 王金渠, 周志辉, 杨建华*, 常立峰, 苗 倩,Maxwell?Stefan 理论模拟NaA 沸石膜分离一氯甲烷中微量水的渗透特性,9(6) 2009, 过 程 工 程 学 报
申请专利 17 项
讲授 本科专业核心课程《反应工程》、《化学工艺学》
窗体1. 无机膜渗透蒸发回收糠醛装置废水中乙酸新技术 获 2006年辽宁省科技成果转化奖,三等奖
2. 沸石分子筛膜的制备与应用研究 获 2007年辽宁省科学技术二等奖
3. 2007年入选 辽宁省百千万人才(千人)
4. 2008年入选 大连理工大学 优秀班主任
5. 2010年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划